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Monday, December 3, 2012

People I Want in My Life in 2013

Being self-employed right out of college has its ups and downs, but the main down has to be that my social opportunities become a little limited. I work weird hours, I work from home, and I don't currently live in the heart of a thriving social mecca (something I hope to change in 2013). My dearest friends are all spread out, and when you're on the shy side like me, this combination of factors makes meeting new people a challenge.

This year I made some strides in my social life and I'm glad to have added a few new friends into the mix. But there's always room to grow, right? That's where today's Think Kit prompt comes into play:

"If you could meet someone new in 2013, who would it be? Or would you rather spend more time with someone you already know?"

Wonderful friends from DePauw.

In my fantasy world, the response to that question would be simple: Jimmy Fallon. I desperately wanted to go to his show when it filmed in Indy for the Super Bowl, but alas I was not one of the lucky people who won the ticket lottery. I ended up writing this letter to Jimmy on my other blog--complete with a lovely On a Good Note tie-in--but still, nothing (how rude, right?).

Since I don't live in NYC (or my little fantasy world that involves cocktail parties with Fallon, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler), the real answer to the question isn't that specific. I want to meet new people in general, people who continue to build on my growing post-grad community, people who can help me grow professionally, people I can help with my skills, and people that, in a nutshell, will add a little more fun to my life.

As the old Girl Scout song goes, though, "make new friends but keep the old." I do have to say that while meeting new people is fantastic, I love my friends. I can't imagine my life without them at this point, and spending more time with them--especially those that currently live far from here (Tacoma, DC, Louisville, etc.) would make my 2013 a pretty great year.

What people make your list?

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