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Monday, March 11, 2013

March Good Tunes

Happy March! I know, I know, I'm a week behind. But the days have been getting away from me lately.

Now that we've survived the time change and the daylight is extending longer into the evening, it's beginning to feel like winter drear is being kicked to the curb by spring. The shifts in seasons call for some changes in music.

I have a tendency to like sad music--I'm weird, I know--so spring feels like a good time to introduce some lighter choices of songs into the mix--or least make a gradual stride in that direction.

I first heard "Age of Consent" in the Marie Antionette trailer and haven't gotten it out of my head since. I always associate it with that movie, the gorgeous costumes, and the times I played it during the radio show I hosted with my friend Ellen during college.

"Answering Bell" was introduced to me in Bridesmaids and I'm obsessed. "Big Jet Plane" comes from a recent artist obsession, Angus and Julia Stone, and I've currently been listening to the Of Monsters and Men and Grouplove albums on repeat.

This weekend I watched Sleepless in Seattle for probably the 500th time (Nora Ephron is a personal hero), and was reminded of the wonderful soundtrack. "Wink and Smile" by Harry Connick, Jr. is so happy and infectious. I love it, as well as all of the other classic picks featured in the film (Joe Cocker's version of "Bye Bye Blackbird" is amazing).

Those are my March Good Tunes picks (I hope to introduce a little mix of songs every month). What's on your playlist right now?

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